Strategic thinking, management and development

Conservation requires careful thinking of the approaches to be taken to reduce pressures on the environment in a wide variety of settings. It also needs careful planning of the funding sources that allow the implementation of ideas. And it requires the good supervision of the implementing team to ensure that progress is being made and that difficulties are dealt with promptly and effectively.
In the senior roles I occupied I always played an active role in the development of
strategies to achieve conservation goals – both within the units under my supervision and for the programmes I was part of.
I have advised both donors and partners on their strategies for conservation in accordance
with the nature of their institutions. I currently seat in the steering committee of the IUCN WCPA-SSC joint task force, and the international review panel of the Small grants for the
Purchase of Nature programme within IUCN-NL.
I have acquired experience managing projects, teams, and even small organisations, and
regularly sat in management teams and institutional boards.
- I have not only developed fundraising strategies, but also supported or led fundraising efforts, and provided advice to partners - and now clients – in this regard.