Catalise and mobilise into action

Conservation requires moving from theory and discussion of ideas to their implementation. Some issues need simply to be brought to the fore and, in an ever faster changing world, it is also necessary to try new approaches and to reframe issues to include new emerging issues.
As regional director for species conservation for Conservation International, I promoted
the conservation or the most threatened species in Mexico and Central America and the habitats they require to survive.
I engaged with environmental agencies countries to promote the adoption of Key
Biodiversity Areas as a useful tool for the National Conservation Strategies. (Conservation International)
As its first Executive Director, I launched the Amphibian Survival Alliance and forged
partnerships to promote the conservation of this most threatened group of vertebrates and their use as a flagship group for the protection of nature.
- I have engaged with government agencies at municipal, state, national, and supranational level to promote conservation actions (Conservation International, Wetlands International, Amphibian Survival Alliance)